Hinkson Family Circle

Sunday, June 26, 2011

America's Got Standards

America's Got Standards.

A year ago today was one of the happiest days of my life. It was the day that we entered back into the United States of America and upon stepping onto American soil our 2 adopted boys became citizens of the greatest nation on the Earth. There are many things in their life that have changed and that would be a really long entry in itself, but today I want to write about some of the things I absolutely love about America.
Yes, I know that our country has a lot of problems and I know that in some ways we are in precarious positions with our national debt and the gradual but very real deteriation of some very important principles and values as a nation but when you compare the US with the rest of the world it is still an amazingly GREAT nation.
We have freedoms in our country that people in other places have never even dreamed about ever seeing in their lands. We have been able to balance quite beautifully the freedoms we have with the power of government and society to uphold certain standards and values among our citizens that keep them morally and physically truly free. I think it great that we stand opposed to harmful drugs and at least have legal limits for alcohol and safe driving. This compared to the drive-thru bars in Mexico help me to understand why so many have a desire to migate to America for a better life. A friend of ours, who served as a missionary in Amsterdam, where just about every vice is legal, said that when he got off the train in Amsterdam he was approached by a man selling drugs with an immediate offer to sell him drugs. Upon seeing his nametag, he appologized by saying "Oh Sorry, I didn't know you was from Jesus."
In America it is still considered wrong to be unfaithful to a spouse and to abuse other people. Despite the over-the-top efforts of the gay community to make us believe that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, most people in America still see it as a perversion that should be overcome instead of succombed to . We still punish dishonesty and corruption in government and everyday interactions. Other parts of the world have let integrity go to danerously deep levels. Many complain about dishonest politicians in America but in reality we have NO idea how bad it can really be. The fact that people are standing up to expose and complain about discrepancies they witness is a tremendous tribute to the honest heart of America.
America has standards that make sure that our water and food keep us safe and healthier than we would be otherwise. After spending many weeks in Ukraine and seeing water come from faucets that looks so dirty that it could have passed for lemonade and witnessing milk being sold in pop bottles after hours of sitting in the sun. After seeing what passes for a resturant or a bathroom in China I no longer complain about the regulations, sanitation requirements, and permits we have in our sweet country. I am not an advocate for big government being involved in our everyday life but I am glad that we have enforced laws that prohibit prositution and that we don't have to go chase the hookers off of the street corners close to where our children play.
Our roads, our military and police protection and our healthcare are envied by many other nations. we have done so many things right as a nation. I wish that we could rid our nation of gangs and pornography and abortion. I wish we would raise our standards when it comes to faith and honesty, moral strength and modesty. This country was founded on firm moral principles and it is up to us to keep our great country great. Every time I leave the land that I love, I come home loving her even more. God bless America and God bless those who stand up for what makes America GREAT.


  1. Congrats on your year mark! :) I'm very blessed to know you. Thanks for the awesome post.

  2. Ohhh, I wish I could be at the beach with you! It's one of my favorite places you know! ;)

  3. Love your post....I will stand with you as I say "God Bless America and the wonderfully good people that make up our country!"

  4. Hi Christy,

    I emailed you but since I found your email in my SPAM, I didn't want my response to go to your SPAM. I think we are only an hour away. And we have nothing going on this week.
