Hinkson Family Circle

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


The new kids love to eat onions raw! I had to post a couple of pictures of them eating raw red onions. They would eat and then wipe their eyes as they cried the tears brought on by raw onion eating. So funny!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Alex loves 'em too. He claimed that they did not make him cry-he is to tough. So, I would make him do all the onion chopping. A few months after he got home we were all cooking dinner and caught him chopping onions with tears running down his cheeks. Rylee pointed it out to him, he shrugged and said "Now I am an American." Funny huh?
    Cute pictures! Especially with the shirts over their heads.
    Missed you at lunch today I so wanted to talk to you. I'm writing the first SAC newsletter and would like to use a couple pictures off your blog, is that okay? It's the one of your two boys arm wrestling and of Sonya with her two boys.
    Let me know.
    (I deleted my first comment due to grammatical errors!)
