Hinkson Family Circle

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Expensive Lessons

Vitaliy (13) has been begging all summer to get the job of mowing the lawn. I think it has something to do with him liking to ride the big,new,green John Deere riding lawnmower. I finally ignored my gut feeling and assigned him the job last month (August.) We gave him lessons but I guess we didn't think to tell him everything that he could do to break the machine. During the first week of him doing the job we had to send it into the shop (a $60 pick up fee) to have something fixed with the starter. I don't know if this was his fault or not but he did keep the ignition going and going and going. even when it was started and it did something and it broke. After getting that fixed, he drove it into a ditch (we don't have ditches in our lawn, but he found one by the neighbor's corn field.) This broke another major part and we had to fix that. Then this week we are replacing the whole ignition because he couldn't find the key and decided to use a pair of scissors to start the mower and somehow stripped the ignition. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. The lawn looks nice, however.


  1. Augh!!! You are waaay more patient than I would be able to be! Scissors?! Oh dear. :)

  2. Oh my gosh....and Alex has been green eying our driving mower! Given that he and Viatly are weeks apart in age, and pretty much identical in background, after reading your post, I think not! Scissors? Are you kidding me??

  3. A ditch in the neighbor's yard? Surely he was trying to be a good neighbor and mow theirs too? LOL Scissors. Wow. At least your lawn looks good. :)
