Devin and Daniel had a fun prom. Devin had his "Day Date" at our house and they served a huge sandwich to their dates and did an Easter Egg hunt. They seemed to have a lot of fun just sitting on the trampolines and talking.
Daniel went with another group and they did their "Day Date" at the sport's academy and did gymnastics. I don't think the girls have time to spend a lot of time getting ready with this "Day Date" tradition they do now. Personally I think that they should take them to dinner and the dance and have too ask for another separate date if they want to take the girl on another date. They also watch a movie after prom which is kind of like 3 dates in one. I sure hope the girl likes the guy a little because that is a lot of hours to spend together if not :)
P.S. I think the boys looked handsome in their tuxes.